- Found and filed RUSTSEC-2025-0015.
- Adapting nnue-pytorch's binary position format for Lichess — Technical update for
- Optimizing Lichess's tablebase server — Technial update for, significantly improving tail latencies for tablebase requests
- Comparing the quality of backwards-analysis strategies — Experiments to be considered for's distributed chess game analysis
- Found and filed RUSTSEC-2023-0016.
- Lichess End of Year Update 2022 — Coauthored blog post
- Compressing PGN with gzip, lz4, xz, bzip2, Brotli, and Zstandard — Benchmarks to be considered for
- Found and filed RUSTSEC-2022-0046.
- Announcing the Personal Opening Explorer — Coauthored blog post including some technical details about the new chess opening database
- T. Ahlbrecht and J. Dix and N. Fiekas and T. Krausburg: The 15th Multi-Agent Programming Contest — Assemble with Care. Springer, Cham, 2021.
- Stockfish 14 on Lichess
- Stockfish 13 NNUE on Lichess — Using WASM SIMD for efficient evaluation of neural networks
- Hosting a copy of the Universal chess interface (UCI) protocol speficiation
- Found and filed RUSTSEC-2021-0004, RUSTSEC-2021-0013, and RUSTSEC-2021-0089.
- Lichess End of Year Update 2020 — Coauthored blog post including how we dealt with the influx of players during the pandemic
- Stockfish 12 on Lichess — Blog post about queuing improvements for chess game analysis on
- The Hashtable Packing Problem is strongly NP-complete
- Proposal for ISAmI doctoral consortium, plan to build an asynchronous AgentSpeak interpreter: Time in Multi-Agent Systems (pdf, pre copy-edit)
- Lichess End of Year Update 2019 — Coauthored blog post including technical changes
- Pure CSS rounding for crisp chessboard images
- Chess in Rust: Vocabulary
- T. Ahlbrecht and J. Dix and N. Fiekas and T. Krausburg: The Multi-Agent Contest 2019 — Agents Assemble — Block by Block to Victory. Springer, 2020.
- 7-piece Syzygy endgame tablebases are complete — Blog post about the 7-piece chess endgame tablebases on
- Developer update: 275% improved game compression — Blog post about chess game compression on
- No bishop magics with fixed shift 8 — Talkchess post about Magic bitboards
- Finding Hash Functions for Bitboard Based Move Generation (pdf) — My master's thesis, here uploaded with minor corrections
- T. Ahlbrecht and J. Dix and N. Fiekas: The Multi-Agent Contest 2018 — Agents Teaming Up in an Urban Environment. Springer, 2020.
- T. Ahlbrecht and J. Dix and N. Fiekas: Special Issue on Multi-Agent Contest 2017. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, Volume 84, Springer, 2018. (pdf, pre copy-edit)
- T. Ahlbrecht, J. Dix, N. Fiekas. Scalable Multi-agent Simulation based on MapReduce in Multi-Agent Systems and Agreement Technologies. EUMAS 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 10207, pp. 364–374. Springer, 2016. (revised pdf)
- D. Honsel, N. Fiekas, V. Herbold, M. Welter, T. Ahlbrecht, S. Waak, J. Dix, J. Grabowski. Simulating Software Refactorings based on Graph Transformations. Post proceedings of the SimScience Workshop 2017.
- T. Ahlbrecht and J. Dix and N. Fiekas: Special Issue on Multi-Agent Contest 2016 - Agents in the City. IJAOSE. International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, Volume 6 No. 1, Inderscience, 2018. (pdf, draft)
- T. Ahlbrecht, J. Dix, N. Fiekas, M. Köster, P. Kraus, J. P. Müller. An architecture for scalable simulation of systems of cognitive agents. International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 2/3, pp. 232–265. Inderscience 2016.
- T. Ahlbrecht, J. Dix, N. Fiekas, J. Grabowski, V. Herbold, D. Honsel, S. Waack, M. Welter. Agent-Based Simulation for Software Development Processes in Multi-Agent Systems and Agreement Technologies. EUMAS 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 10207, pp. 333–340. Springer, 2016.
- Suicide chess tablebases (stalemated player wins) — Talkchess discussion leading to generation of 6 piece Syzygy tablebases for Atomic chess, Suicide chess and Giveaway.
- Guest post on about python‑chess